TikTok er hurtige videoer med al slags indhold, fra under 10 sekunder til op til 10 minutters varighed
TikTok er oprindeligt kinesisk men har hovedsæder i hele verden
Minimumsalderen på TikTok er 13 år
Der er 1 milliard aktive brugere
I Danmark bruger 11 % af befolkningen TikTok. Børn udgør fortsat over halvdelen, men 18+ segmentet indhenter kraftigt
TikTok har alt de samme indhold som Facebook, YouTube, Twitter og Instagram
TikTok er det hurtigst udviklende medie i verden
Følg med @evafog for indhold til børn, unge og barnlige sjæle, samt disse tags: #hilseneva #trygpåtiktok
Follow @tiktoklister for erhvervsmæssigt indhold, og den kontinuerlige indsamling af danske virksomheder og organisationer
About TikTok
TikTok is the fastest growing social media in the world, and has in 2021 over 1 billion active users. It is previously known as musical.ly, and in Denmark and no EU it's still a medium most ly used by the younger audience. Many people mistakenly believe that it is still a children's app with dance. The reality, however, is different.
Musical.ly was acquired in 2017 by the owners of the Chinese company ByteDance, which already had the app Douyin. ByteDance combined the two apps and launched it outside of China as TikTok. TikTok can today be accessed via app and browser. There are plans to integrate another app in Smart TV's.
It's a mixture of Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. Unlike all previous social media, you can as a user achieve 1000 views - people who watch your videos - in just a few minutes and 'go viral' in a few hours. TikTok's algorithm is created to spread the content to as many people as possible, and rewards users who post frequently and use the built-in features. At the same time, the app calculates what it should show you based on what you've already liked, commented on or shared. It takes place via the section on the front of the app called For YouThe videos of your friends are shown in the section called Following
The content
The format is small videos of up to 59 seconds, where music or custom audio, filters, text, emojis and animated gifs are added. Through TikTok, the user has access to the same music as is found on eg Spotify and iTunes, and TikTok 'helps' the user to find the most popular, or selected, songs. Trends and challenges are what is mostly used.
Also for adults
During 2020, TikTok has developed into a place where companies and stars interact side by side with the general population. Media like World Economi Forum on TikTok, Washington Post on TikTok and WHO on TikTok all has profiles and many TV and movie stars have also joined. In the Nordic region, we are slowly catching up, and The Danish Medicines Agency is the first official organization to join.
The Critique
The media has received a lot of attention since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of users has increased tremendously and it has experienced extra attention due to its Chinese origin, uncertainty about data protection as well as unfortunate revelations about discriminating practices. TikTok has also been a political battle zone, which i.a. resulted in the complete ban in India as well as unwanted attention from Trump. However, TikTok is comparable to all other social media, neither worse nor better.
A Creative Playground
The media's great popularity is due to its very dedicated users, known as Content Creators. They are the ones who faithfully post all kind of content, day after day. The popularity of the videos has spread to all other established media, which made i.a. Instagram try its hand with its own version Reels.
Want to know more?
Get one of the free reports about the media, and take a look under the hood of TikTok.
You can also contact me, if you want to know more about how you or your company can use TikTok.
In May 2020, the first version of 8 months of deep dive into TikTok was released. This Danish version only focused on the local market.
In August 2020, version 2 was released, this time in English and with a broader and updated perspective for the Nordic countries, the USA and the UK.
Get both for free here!
A 2021 edition is under preparation, and is expected this summer
If you want knowledge about the medium, regardless of the angle, I can help. Contact for further information.
Upon request, I have created a donation button.
The report has been written without support or funding, and is published free of charge and without expectations of anything other than being able to provide information. I have been informed that however I must should allow donations as a thank you, so therefore this opportunity.
If the report has been of importance to you, please feel free to donate an optional amount to my corona-hit economy.
Thank you!

De tusinde lukkede og digitale rum vores børn er i
Internettet blev engang kaldt World Wide Web – det verdensomspændende net – og man må sige at det ikke er blevet mindre globalt med årene. Vores yngste generationer er oftest de første der kommer på de nye platforme. Det er dem der tilpasser sig, og som platformene former sig efter at få og beholde. Vores børn og unge formidler dagligt videoer, billeder og memes til hinanden, og tester grænser og finder interesser online. Snakker med nye og gamle venner, og følger med i det ungdomsliv der findes i 2024. Men de traumatiseres, opsøges, mobbes og udnyttes også.

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